Greening Youth Foundation offers a wide variety of programs for today’s youth to learn a variety of skills that will catapult them into the world of nature conservancy and outdoor stewardship. We partner with other organizations to lay the foundation for a brighter, greener tomorrow!
Finding employment in the conservation field can be difficult. Employers across the sector, from federal land management agencies to nonprofit conservation groups, environmental organizations, natural resource management companies, and the outdoor recreation industry struggle to connect with a talented, diverse pool of potential employees. Hiring pathways need to be more consistent and designed to better serve our youth.
The Bridge Program is a public-private partnership to create an inclusive and innovative hiring pathway that will embolden and diversify conservation employment practices. We host peer learning and hiring events aimed at closing the gap between qualified potential employees and employers in the conservation field. Our goal is to build learning and create relationships for long-term solutions by bringing together leaders from across the sector.
Organizations that are ready to hire for full-time positions are invited to join hiring events and submit their positions for consideration. They will have access to a pre-screened set of qualified applicants who have the skills to succeed. The Bridge team will recruit participants from 21st Century Conservation Service Corps (21CSC) and similar programs, so that all candidates will come to the event having already had initial work experiences in conservation, recreation, natural resource management, or experiential education. The Bridge team will identify a diverse group of candidates for the event, with a focus on elevating underrepresented applicants, and will match candidates with employers based on the skills needed for each position being offered at the event.
Organizations that are not hiring through The Bridge Project can sponsor the initiative to have access to the pre-event trainings, cross-sector learning and networking opportunities, and facilitated hiring throughout the year.
Greening Youth Foundation’s Urban Youth Corps (UYC) program has been in operation since 2014. UYC focuses on the professional, economic and character development of inner-city youth between the ages of 17 and 25 years old. Participants enrolled in this program come from some of the most challenging neighborhoods in America. These young stewards receive training in the areas of conservation, urban agriculture, construction, financial literacy, cultural and societal awareness, professional development, and entrepreneurship.
After the initial training, UYC participants are placed into crews of 5 and sent to work on various projects over a year’s time. These young people work on personal development while assisting their communities on various conservation and green infrastructure projects. They also receive a personal mentor, life coaching, entrepreneurship training and career counseling. Additionally, participants are paid $10-$11/hr for 40 hours per week throughout the entire program. The goal of the UYC program is for 100% of all graduates move on to permanent employment, entrepreneurship, or college enrollment.
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GYFted stands for Greening Youth Foundation Trained, Educated, and Developed. The GYFted program is an intensive training program that has two tracts. The standard tract prepares youth for our 1-year Urban Youth Corps experience, while the GYFted Tree Care tract prepares youth to enter directly into the tree care industry.
The tree care industry is a very high demand, well-paying, and rewarding field. However, it is not for everyone. One must be willing to work hard, get dirty, endure inclement weather, be punctual, and work as a team. It also requires one to be in good physical shape and in good health.
The GYFted Tree Care Management Training program is designed to ensure that the nature stewards of tomorrow are ready for this rigorous work. This program is for youth who are 18-29 years old, and is designed to encourage and enable full-time careers in nature conservancy. Participants receive eight weeks of intensive training that includes professionalism, financial literacy, health and nutrition, and character development and are paid a $300 weekly stipend for the duration of the program.
GYFted tree care managers are put on a regimen to ensure that they are in good physical health, which includes daily physical exercises as well as a healthy meal plan. All applicants must have a high school diploma or GED and be able to pass a drug test.
For more information about the GYFted program and Tree Care Management, please contact us here.
Youth today can change the face of the environmental sector through our HBCU (Historically Black Colleges & Universities) Internship program. The need for preserving our nation’s history has never been greater, so we’re counting on you! HBCUI relies on a variety of degree program majors to make the movement work. From Engineering to History, Business to Biology, and beyond – your skills can make an impact.
Many careers have started with HBCUI service. Gain real-world, on-the-job experience while exploring careers in the federal government. Join students from around the country who are putting their unique skills and talents to work in preserving the contributions of African Americans to our nation’s history and culture. Where better to begin the movement than at your historical institution?
- We’re in the business of developing future conservation leaders and providing them with the capacity to address the most significant conservation issues of our time.
- Students are recruited based on the needs of National Park Service sites. This results in a mutually beneficial experience where students gain valuable experience and mentorship in their fields.
- We’re striving to develop a diverse, inclusive, competent and caring workforce that’s committed to conservation.
- We’re taking the initiative to protect cultural heritage sites. Whether it’s Martin Luther King’s birth home or the Tuskegee Airmen airfield, the stories of our ancestors matter.
For more information about the HBCUI Internship program, please contact us here.